Tom had a job in a town outside the city
Was working very hard
Life was lookin' very pretty
GNothing going wrong with the rockabilly Song
That the radio was playing
DmBut than came around
The Rock ' n' Roll beginning
Tom left the town and got into the singin'
Nothing was the same since he read a book
DmSaying "Wheels are freedom" nowadays
DmRock 'n' roll stole my soul
Rockin' down the river like a rolling stone
DmRock 'n' roll stole my soul
GRockin' down the river lika a rolling stone
Tom had a band and made a good "a" livin'
Toured all the land
His dreams had been fulfillin'
GWas bringing in some cash
But spent it all on hash
DmThat's when his life began to bend
Times were looking bad
He was lying' in a clinic
He lost all he had
The world was looking cynic
GHis innocence was gone
But it didn't take him long
DmNow he's singin' on the street
the song of his defeat
Oh yeah
Rock 'n' roll stole my soul
GRockin' down the river like a rolling stone
DmRock 'n' roll stole my soul
Rockin' down the river lika a rolling stone
Zwischenspiel: dm G dm C dm
Beans, Beans
The musical fruit
The more you eat
The more you toot
The more you toot
The better you feel
So let's have beans
For every meal
Rock 'n' roll stole my soul
GRockin' down the river like a rolling stone
DmRock 'n' roll stole my soul
Rockin' down the river lika a rolling stone
Textes des accords KELLY FAMILY Rock N Roll Stole My Soul. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions