I haven't cried baby since I learned to talk
G DHaven't fallen down since I learned to walk
Am GAnd I don't get bored watching the tube
Am G F Em D no chord
And I never had a rock in my shoe
And if I tried baby, would you mess me 'round?
G DmWould we both get bored by the simple sound
Am G
Sorry about dropping that lude
Am G F EmIt just seemed like the best thing to do
Bm C
It's all true
Bm C
I got me
Bm Em
She's got you
D no chord
And we got time to share a few
You never get me down when I'm feeling blue
When I tell you lies you won't believe they're true
Am GNow I really should be on my way
Am G F EmThink I'm gonna stick around all day
Bm C
It's all true
Bm C
I got me
Bm Em
She's got you
D no chord
And we got time to share a few
Em A D (2 times)
Em A
She's so ---- with her exacto knife
DShe's gonna take her life
I don't wake up with a sudden start
With some empty arms and a broken heart
Am GAnd I don't get bored watching the tube.
Textes des accords LEMONHEADS Its All True. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions