N.C. A F#m
What a beautiful day I'm the king of all time
Nothing is impossible in my own powerful mind.
1st verse
Was on the fifth of November
C#mWhen time, it went back,
DWell some would say that that's impossible
But you and I have never looked back.
And wasn't it incredible
C#mOh so beautiful and above all
Oh just to see the fuse get lit this time
E F#mAnd light a real bonfire for all time.
Chords at this point are F#m, C#m, D, E, and F#m.
On the CD, Jon plays the melody on his fiddle over the top of these chords.
2nd verse
(Same chords as first verse)
I was drinking in a night club
It felt good to be back
When Hepburn said "I love you"
And Flynn said "Make mine a double Jack"
Was then we planned a revolution
To make things better for all time
When Guevara said "That's crazy"
And ordered up a bottle of wine.
F#mIn there on the big screen
C#mEvr'y night I've seen
The way all things could be, oh for me, oh for me, for me, for me.
3rd verse
The news broke after midnight
And we pulled the temples down without a sound
But the generals they were hiding out
The ministers well........
They'd all gone to ground
Wealth redistribution
Became the new solution
So I got the paperbag
And ypu got the one with all the holes.
ChorusAt end of chorus comes this
D EF#mOh yeah and nothing is impossible in my own powerful mind
D EF#mThat's because nothing is impossible in my own powerful mind.
Textes des accords LEVELLERS Beautiful Day. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions