Note: While playing the D chord, you should alternate between
playing the normal D chord and playing it with the e string open.
Listening to the song should help you figure out the right rhythm.
Do you ever stop to think from time to time
Am G DAbout the way the world's been left behind
Am G DIn another place and in another time
We could maybe change the way we think take the blinkers from our eyes
Am G D
Do you think that she was maybe not alone
Am G DDo you think there's someone out there do you think that they might know
And if they don't, do you think they should be told
Am G D'Cause she's living in a nightmare running out of her control
Take the rope
G DTake the blindfold from your eyes
AmTake the rope from around your neck
And take the blindfold from your eyes
C (let ring...)
Then you'll never be surprised
When they tell you that they love you
While they're eating you alive
Am G D
Do you think you have the strength to carry on
Am G DOr has the black cat got your tongue
Don't worry now the world will be alright
Am G D'Cause this land has been here longer than the likes of you and I
(funky bass and fiddle interlude)
Repeat verse 2 (Do you think that she was maybe not alone...)
Final chorus:
Take the rope
Take the blindfold from your eyes
AmTake the rope from around your neck
G DAnd take the blindfold from your eyes
Take the rope
G DTake the blindfold from your eyes
AmTake the rope from around your neck
And take the blindfold from your eyes
C (keep strumming...)
Then you'll never be surprised
When they tell you that they love you
While they're eating you alive
Textes des accords LEVELLERS Likes Of You And I. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions