% I can remember the words that you say
High on our hillside we both shared the view
I can remember the words that you say
Seems like forever or was it today
Talking of people we thought we knew
Seemed like forever was taken away
Am C GThe cold light of dawn broke in two
How could that dream fade away
When time made its own point of view
Am C GThe one part of me that was you
And fall on the ground where we lay
On the promise two young people knew
Cause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart Go %(2)
Cause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart
Cause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart Go &
Am / / / / / / / / / / /Am F Em Am Em COh well you must be 23 by now, married with kids of your own
Am F EmAnd the little boy is three, does he look like me
It's a long way from freedom
Em D / / / / / / / /It's a long way from home Go #
Am C G& Cause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart
Cause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart
Am C GCause you're the one that went and stole a piece of my heart
[ ] x2 END
Textes des accords LODGE JOHN Piece Of My Heart. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions