When I’m done with thinking, then I’m done with you
Bb5 Bb5/A Gm7When I’m down with crying, then I’m done with you
Bb5 Bb5/A Gm7When I feel so tired, then I’m done with you
Everybody feels this way some time, everybody feels this way
And I do
You can’t hear it, but I do
F Bb Cm7 EbYou can’t hear it, but I do
You’re trying to convince me that what I’ve done’s not right
I get so frustrated, I stay up every night
You ask me for an answer, and I’m so tired and I’m up in the air
Everybody feels this way some time, everybody feels this way
And I do
You can’t hear it, but I do
You can’t hear it, but I’m feeling this way
Just because you say
I will be ignored
Bb5/AI will be denied
I could be erased
Eb5I could be brushed aside
Cm Cm/BbI will get scared, and I will get showed down
But I feel like I do because you push me around
I’m starting to ignore you, I’ve doubted you so long
I’m tired of over-thinking. I know you don’t belong
Now I’m asking questions- no one pushes me around
Everybody feels this way sometimes, everybody feels this way-
And I do
You can’t hear it, but I do
You don’t seem angry but I do
I do
Textes des accords LOEB LISA I Do Without Capo Version. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions