It's really easy just B, A, G, Fsharp for two beats each in the usual kind of bluesy way with all four
chords fitting to each line of the lyric.
Play the verses muted and picked and then head for the hills on the chorus with is again all four chords for each of the first three "eight ball blues" and then C and D for last then back to the verse.
The melody just follows the descending scale really.
Well me and my friends can see no end
And I'm too tired to even try and pretend
That Sunday is anything but a pain in my head
So we drags the Chris from outta his bed
And I told Zee I'd see him down on 10th Street
"Yeah, I'll see you on 10th Street"
Well you can all come, but you gonna need balls
Yeah babe, you'll need balls big time...
The eight ball blues
The eight ball blues
The eight ball blues
The eight ball blues
Well my friends the lights is low
And my man Paul Newman knows it's time to show
When Keith starts to win he starts to get creul
But Snooker makes you ugly but Pool makes you cool
Adam says he's poor, Duncan say's he's King
I said I'd cut the red and the black went in
But you had me from you first went down
Yeah I was lost from when you first went down
With the eight ball blues...
Textes des accords MANGO DON Eight Ball Blues. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions