C G D Am7
Guys like me we don't know how it feels
Absentee even closing the deal
Em Em7/D Em6/C# ABut every player there's a payoff in the final reel
C G CBut never with guys like me
Cause guys like me we look good at the gate
C G D Am7But you'll agree with the odds on the slate
Em Em7/D Em6/C# Aand put your money on a bonafide heavyweight
and take it off guys like me
A/C# C G G/F#take it off guys like me
Em Em7/D Em6/C# CWe pull you close but never really
looking warm but feeling chilly
Am Am /G# Am7/G Esus4 Eyou'll describe us as impassioned
when it's just a front we've fashioned
[solo] C G D Am 2x Em Em7/D Em6/C# A C G C
Am G D Am7
Cause guys like me we all vow to become
C G D Am7clear and free of the fife and the drum
and block the circulation til we're all completely numb
C G Clet's hear it for guys like me
Am Em Amlet's hear it for guys like me
let's hear it for guys, guys like me
Textes des accords MANN AIMEE Guys Like Me. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions