C,G,F Jah Live children yeah
F,C,G,F Jah Jah Live children yeah
Jah Live children yeah
Jah Jah Live children yeah
The truth is an
but not a sin
is he who laugh last, children
is he who win
is a
foolish dog
bark at the flying bird
one sheep must learn
to respect the
Jah Live
children yeah
Jah Jah Live children yeah
Jah Live
children yeah
Jah Jah Live children yeah
fool say in their heart
your god is dead
but I and I know, Jah Jah
Dread it shall be Dreader
Jah live children yeah
Jah Jah live children yeah
Jah live
children yeah
Jah Jah live children yeah
let Jah arise
now that the
enemies are scattered
let Jah arise
the enemies, the enemies are
Jah live children yeah
Jah Jah live children yeah
Jah live children yeah
Jah Jah live children yeah
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