Sometime in the morning
Em Dm7 G7A simple thought may occur to you
CAnd you'll hold her
And tell her all the things you
Dm G7never told her
F CYour love has shown me things
I never thought I could see
G7 CI didn't know
F CIt could be done so easily
Now I know
F C G7You're where it is for me.
C Dm G
Sometime in the evening
Em Dm7 G7You're sitting there by the fireside
And she'll touch you
Dm G Em Dm G7And then you'll realize how much you
F CNever knew before
How much you couldn't see
G7 CYou didn't know
F CIt could be done so easily
Now you know
F C G7She's all a girl could be
G7 CIn her childlike eyes
You see the beauty there
F CYou know it was always there
F C D7And you need no longer wear a disguise
G7 C
Sometime in the morning
You'll just reach out
G7 Cand she will be there
F C G7Close as the summer air
C Csus4
Sometime in the morning
She will be there
C Csus4Sometime in the morning
C Csus4She will be there
Textes des accords MONKEES Sometime In The Morning. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions