I'm bored today
C D Gand everything is here to be ignored today
C D Gscattered everywhere out on the floor today
and i don't care about you.
GI lost my job today
C D Gwhich used to be the way i could afford to live
to hate another day and now i can't afford
C D G G C Gto even be bored any more.
Em DIt's kinda good to feel bad again,
sad again,
Gmad again
EmI'll be doing that again,
i don't need to tell you i do it really well.
GYou said good-bye today
C D Gand i'm just here still asking why today
and not another year, i'm gonna cry today
C D G G C Gand i don't care about you.
Em DMaybe it wasn't bad to do
you did what you had to do
Emmaybe i believe it too
G C D Gbut i keep saying that i don't care about you
today, i don't know what i'm gonna do today
C D Gand there's a lot to get through today
and i don't care about you... today.
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