The verse:
A5 power chords, tickling a G5 power chord at the beginning of every
couple measures, and at the beginning of each measure during the
second part of the verse. Here's the gist with a lame attempt at the lyrics.
Frequently called nothin' buts
A5 G5Snorin' when you snap it back
A5 G5Everyone
Knows it's you
A5 G5 A5Why won't you admit it, scream
That E5 is:
Then, the little bridge-riff is:
And take it all
Verse again, then the chorus, which goes like this:
single-note A (7th fret on D) D5
I be-lieve,
A-note C5 E5
that I'll never leave your serpentine pad.
(just in case yr wondering, all the chords are barre)
My interpretation of the lyrics:
Frequently called nothin' buts
Snorin' when you snap it back
Everybody, knows it's you, why won't you admit it, scream!
And take it all
Corporate integration
From the corporation
I don't need this corporation attitude
Tude tude tude
I believe,
That I'll never leave
Your serpentine pad
Darlin' when you wake up
Better ask the grown-ups
If they have, hose and twine, leave the man who needed the lice
Think it might
Be another scene, bet
I don't wanna know, but
I don't know, if I should, if I could or if I would, anyway
(serpentine pad)
Textes des accords PAVEMENT Serpentine Pad. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions