[verse 1]
Not a lot of patience you're not a patient man
Don't have a heart to stay with you get it while you can
Just because you can get out of it
And I wasted your time, denying and
That that's the reason we fight all the time
Csus2 G Dsus4 D Csus2It's been so long since you've been a friend of mine
F6/ Csus2 G
[verse 2]
G F6/Gonna take a vacation stop chasing what I lack
Am I gonna get blown off as soon as I get back
Csus4 GOn another track without you
chorus 2 F6/ Csus2 G
'Cause I don't have the heart to try
One more false start in life
Csus2 G Dsus4 D Csus2It's been so hard to get it right
Csus2 G F6/ Csus2 GSeems like the moment I catch up the farther you fly
chorus 3 F6/ Csus2 G
And I wasted your time, denying and
That that's the reason we fight all the time
Csus2 G Dsus4 D Csus2It's been so long since you've been a friend of mine
F6/ Csus2 G
[solo] G Fsus2 G Csus2 G
chorus 3
And I wasted your time, denying and
That that's the reason we fight all the time
It's been so long since you've been a friend to me
It seems like I dreamed and now I'm waking up to daylight
What happened, when did you let go of me
Csus2 G F6/ Csus2 GI miss you so badly
It's been so long since you've been a friend of mine
Textes des accords PHAIR LIZ Friend Of Mine. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions