Em D
i want to move in time with you
Em Di want to breathe in rhyme with you
i want to feel the deepest kiss
Am Bmand i want to know you feel like this
for this one time, one time let my body do what it feels
Em D Em Bmfor just this one time, one time let this fantasy become real
Em D Em Bmbecause i am not afraid to let you see this side of me
Em D Em Bm
i want to feel your hand in mine
Am Bmand i want to feel that rush in my spine
Em Gi want to wear the scent of you
and do all the things you want me to
Am G D C
i feel the danger the separation i want to take your invitation
Am G Em Gthis separation it's all around i need this side of me
Em D Em Bm (x4) -then- Em... (let ring)
i want to move in time with you
Am Bmi want to breathe in rhyme with you
Em Bm G Bmi want to stitch my clothes in sin
and in the dark i want to find that door and go within
Em D Em Bm
no i am not afraid to let you see this side of me
this side of me
Em... (let ring) -then- Em Bm Em Bm (until fade)
Textes des accords SAVAGE GARDEN This Side Of Me. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions