bm D A or A-barree G F# em
Sweet little child
You know nothing
but a cold world outside
Dyour're too young to realize
Bmwhat he wants from you tonight
Poor little girl
there is noone
you can trust in the world
Din the darkness of the night
what he's doing is a crime
Your mother denies
Athere's a problem
F# Gshe's looking away
she dont wanna hear you cry
Gshe will pray
A Bmthen it's over for a while
Sweet little child ...
Your mother denies ...
Em Bm
An ocean of silence
G Ais drowning your heart
what never should be
G Awill remain in the dark
Poor little girl...
Sweet little child...
Your mother denies...
An ocean of silence...
Sweet little child...
She is daddy's girl
Daddy's girl...
Textes des accords SCORPIONS Daddys Girl. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions