It took a moment to make
Athis little boy breath,
it was a moment when this little
D A Agirl took a book trying to learn how to read.
He started to feel
Athe first innocent love
Gand many barriers she climbed
on the way finding out what's all about.
Living her life near the see,
rising up the day still there was
D A Athousands of miles in between (not that they knew).
Somehow the song met the soul in the night,
G Dit took a moment to make those four eyes
making thoughts go wild.
Then digging in the sand and listening the band,
G Dnot alone but with friends, old friends they saw
A Athem spinning.
And then taking him up on the hill
G h
now alone with the lights down beneath
in a small small town,
G Awhole life on shore in words until that day .
When the Nature took him out,
Git took her out and put away,
h A
right there out from the sand and water blue.
Saw them screaming out laud
Gbut the voice you couldn't hear,
h A h....,fis, G, fis, A
but they were the only ones who felt it.
Those were the days that made them see
Gwhat they wanted to see,
h - A h A
feel what they wanted to feel, ......(.fe - eeee - el)
D AAnd what was to be said when they saw
Gthe man walking away
and saw the girl standing there...
A G Awhy that moment made them the...
And the Nature took him out,
Git took her out and put away,
h A
right there out from the sand and water blue.
Saw them screaming out loud,
Gbut the voice you couldn't hear,
h A h.....,fis, G, fis, A
they were the only ones who felt it.
A cis
And there was a time when paper-dates were
Don the wall and calendars fell off.
C h A
They were too old, they were too old.
And so he went once just to
spend some time on hi s own,
Dhe went up north for a day or two,
C h
walking the streets of foreign town,
Ajust walking, And than he said:
"Excuse me, do you know where I can get
something to eat?"
And she said: "I'm sorry,
h A
but I am not from here,"
And then she turned around to see
D Dwho she's talking to and...
It was a moment that made them cry,
a moment that made them laugh,
D C h A
a moment that brought them back together for good...
Textes des accords SIDDHARTA Dot Dot Dot. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions