Sit down, take the weight off your feet,
Em7 GSit down, step off of the street,
C GThey say you can tell a man by his feet,
So get your shoes shined by me
Verse 2
Em7 GSit down, take the heat off your heels,
Sit back, get something sweet,
C GThey say you can tell a woman by her walk,
D C GSo get your shoes shined while we talk
I don’t mind, if you’ve got time,
Then we could dine just across the street,
Em GI don’t mind, if you’ve got time,
C GI’m just an old man shining feet.
Em7 GSit down,take a break from the day,
Em7 GDon’t worry, we won’t be late,
I’ve had them all here on my seat,
D C GAl Pacino sat there last week
ChorusEm GI don’t mind, if you’ve got time,
C GThen we could dine just across the street,
I don’t mind, I’ve got time,
C GI’m just an old man shining feet.
Em GDowntown,I’ve got a shop in the street,
Outside, they sell corncobs and meat.
C GI bought with the money I made shining feet,
D C GI buy me my sports car next week.
ChorusEm G
I don’t mind, if you’ve got time,
C GThen we could dine just across the street,
I don’t mind, if you’ve got time,
I’m just an old man shining feet
D C GI buy me my sports car next week,
D C GI made my money shining feet,
So get your shoes shined by me.
Textes des accords STEREOPHONICS Shoeshine Boy. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions