x=palm muting
Riff 2
( played on 5th and 6th strings )
A5 E5 F#5( played on 4th and 5th strings )
then more guitars come in playing
A5 G#5 A5 G#5 A5 G#5 A5 G#5 A5 F#5 A5 F#5 A5 G#5 A5 G#5This forms the guitar part for the verse
I'm suing God...... for spiritual harassment and the cause
I'm suing God...... my buisness has been working out a loss
2nd verse
I'm suing God...... for breach of peace and advertising laws
I'm suing God...... (????)
( well they'll all get struck by lightning with lyrics like that! )
Chorus Riff ( C#5 )----------------------------------------------------------------
E5 B5 F#5 ( where you played them before )
What if know one meets me on the other side.....
C#Say good bye to time share paradise....
C#What if know one meets me on the other side...
C#What if know one meets me....
Textes des accords THERAPY Suing God. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions