Get out of the car - put down the phone
take off that stupid looking hat you wear
I'm gonna die if you touch me one more time
well I guess that I'm gonna die no matter what
Love people are there
D / A Gthe smell of love is everywhere
A Gyou think it's always sensitive and good
you think that I want to be understood
Em / Bm G / A D -I've got a match - your embrace and my collapse
Beat up the cat if you want someone else on the mat
I put a rock in the coffee in your coffee mug
which one of us is the one that we can't trust?
you say that I think it's you but I don't agree with that
Love people are there
D / A Gthe smell of love is everywhere
A Gwhy can't you be sensitive and good
why don't you want to be understood?
Em / Bm G / A D / A G / AI've got a match - your embrace and my collapse - even when we get along
Em / Bm G / A DI've got a match - your embrace and my collapse
Textes des accords THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS Ive Got A Match. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions