Which describes how you're feeling all the time
A D F#m EWhich describes how you're feeling all the feeling all the time
Bm G A EmThere's this guy in the sky and he makes you want to want to make you
Sigh, like the time
A D A EWhen you felt like you're feeling all the time
A D F#m EAnd you sighed* at the cracks in the ceiling all the time
You said, "I'm feeling fine," but it didn't really rhyme,
G BmIt didn't rhyme overseas
A D A EWhich describes how you're feeling all the time
It... de... scribes... how... you're... feel... ing....
Second verse, same as the first, chordwise.
The original demo version of this song is pretty much the same,
except in the key of D.
Textes des accords THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS Which Describes How Youre Feeling. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions