{define: Am7/G 1 0 1 0 2 0 3}
{define: Am6/F# 1 0 1 2 2 0 2}
{define: E7/4 1 0 0 2 0 2 0}
## I prefer to do these chords that way
{define: E7 1 0 0 1 0 2 0}
{define: C#m 4 1 2 3 3 1 -}
{define: A 5 1 1 2 3 3 1}
{c:Intro }
I [Am]look at you [Am7/G]all see the [Am6/F#]love there that's
[Am]While my gui[G]tar gently [D]weeps [E7]
I [Am]look
at the [Am7/G]floor and I [Am6/F#]see it needs [F]sweeping
[Am]Still my
gui[G]tar gently [C]weeps [E7]
[A]I don't know [C#m]why [F#m]
nobody [C#m]told you
[Bm]how to unfold your [E7/4]love [E7]
don't know [C#m]how [F#m] someone contr[C#m]olled you
[Bm]They bought
and sold [E7/4]you [E7]
I look at the world and I notice it's
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely
be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps
I don't know how you were diverted
You were perverted too
I don't
know how you were inverted
No one alerted you.
I [Am]look at you
[Am7/G]all see the [Am6/F#]love there that's [F]sleeping
[Am]While my
gui[G]tar gently [D]weeps [E7]
[Am]..Look at you [Am7/G]all
Am6/F# F[Am]Still my gui[G]tar gently
[D]weeps [E7]
{c:Solo to the end...}
Textes des accords THE BEATLES While My Guitar. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions