Dsus2 = 0320xx
Gsus4 = 3200x3
Staring up into the solar system,
All the stars are fixed up in the sky.
G CI just want to sparkle for a moment
C GBefore I just fizzle out and die.
I'm happy because I'm stupid.
Scared of spiders, scared of flying.
If I wasn't so happy,
DI wouldn't be so scared of dying.
So just be gentle with me
G Gsus4 G(I'm not as young as I was)
And I'll be gentle with you
G Gsus4 C(I'm not as brave as I thought)
D C'Cause my heart gets broken so easily.
So just be gentle, be gentle with me.
Wide awake, waiting like a target
C GListening for things I cannot see.
G CInsects flutter up against my window.
I don't like the way they look at me
I guess I've always needed
Dsus2To be needed by someone.
CIt's such a comforting feeling
Being under someone's thumb.
So just be gentle with me
G Gsus4 G(And if I am ever mean)
GAnd I'll be gentle with you
(I never mean to be mean)
D C'Cause I want to pick peaches off of a cherry tree.
AmJust be gentle, be gentle, be gentle,
Be gentle with me.
Oh yeah
Dsus2Oh yeah
COh yeah
Oh Yeah
So just be gentle with me
G Gsus4 G(Trouble is sometimes)
GAnd I'll be gentle with you
(I just can't switch myself off)
D CWhen I want to so I never do
AmBecause I'm mental, be gentle, be gentle,
Just be gentle, be gentle, be gentle
AmAnd I'll be gentle, be gentle, be gentle,
Dsus2Be gentle with you.
Outro: G
Check out the video too with Button Moon puppets and everything!
Textes des accords THE BOY LEAST LIKELY TO Be Gentle With Me. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions