Am C Am C
lately I've been writing letters to everyone
Am Ctrying to explain away my actions
and reactions to everything while I used to
Am C Am Cromanticize my drunkenness now my bottle has run dry
Am C Am Cthe river has bled itself into the deep black ink in my pen
and the bloody ink in my veins could run stone cold like
Am C Am Ca freshly fallen snow I’ve been glowing in the dark
Am Csleeping in the park
this town will tear you apart if you let burn it self down
C Am C Amjustify rationalize its been weeks but its still weak
C Amthe needle scratches holes in records
the screech the rush it brings you to your knees
Am C Ama cigarette was smoking bad cause I pressed it
C Amto my lips they were hungry for your hips
and impolite sex sounds nice turn off all the lights
Am C Amand don’t forget the waltz in the dark
C Am Cthese are the forms that make us human
in three four time
Am Cwell I sat on the floor and I
Am Copened up the book
the autobiography of a man dressed in black
Am Cand the story that he told
Am C Amof crawling into caves dark with drugs
C Am C
and lost loves and not wanting to come back
it was the lord he said
Am Ccame to him and led him
Am Cback to the light
yeah the lord yeah the lord
Am Cwho the fuck is the lord
Am C Am Che said that his cave was darker than a grave
and as I'm digging it I don’t doubt it
Am C Am Cbut the lord he said he came to him
Am C Am Cand led him back to the light
yeah the lord yeah the lord
Am C Am C Am C Am C Am C Amwho the fuck is the lord <3
Textes des accords THE PARK BENCH RANT Lately. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions