1.) Dirt road in the twi-lght, woods so cool and dark.
A C#7Up a-head pale ne-on, somewhere a dog barks,
F#7 B7 E / A / E / B7 /Honky-tonk moon, keeps shining on my ba-by and me
E E7
2.) Breaking up the pool balls, chalk-ing up the cues
Juke box pumping soft-ly, lazy sum-mer blues
F#7 B7 E / / A E / / /Honky-tonk moon, keeps shining on my ba-by and me
Through the blue smok-y haze, all through the haze
E E7Trouble seems to melt a - way.............
F# F#7My heart's on a roll, I'm easy in my soul
There's no hur-ry, no wor-ry, things are go-in' my way
3) My arms a-round my ba-by, shuf-flin' on the floor
Cig-a-rettes and saw-dust, squeak-y old screen door.
Honk- Tonk Moon, keeps shin-in on my ba-by and me.
4.)Out-side the dark is fal-ling, stars are twinkling bright
That old Hoot Owl is calling, every-things all right
F#7 B7 E / / A D7 / C#7 /
Honk- Tonk Moon, keeps shin-in on my ba-by and me.
Honk- Tonk Moon, keeps shin-in on my ba-by and me.
Don't know what key Randy does it in, but I like it in E.
It has some neat turn-arounds!
Carl Butler (not of C&W fame)
Textes des accords TRAVIS RANDY Honky Tonk Moon. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions