{c:(capo 2)}
Four strong w[D]inds that blow l[Em]onely, seven se[A7]as that run h[D]igh,
All those things that don't ch[Em7]ange, come what m[A7]ay.
But our g[D]ood times, all are g[G]one, and I'm b[A7]ound for movin' [D]on,
I'll look [Em7]for you if I'm e[G]ver back this w[A]ay.
Think I'll [D]go down to Alb[Em]erta, weather's g[A7]ood there in the f[D]all,
Got some friends that I can [Em7]go to workin' [A7]for.
Still I w[D]ish you'd change your m[G]ind, if I a[A7]sked you one more t[D]ime,
But we've b[Em7]een through that a h[G]undred times or m[A]ore.
If I get there 'fore the snow flies, and if things are goin' good,
You could meet me if I sent you down the fare.
But by then it would be winter, not much for you to do,
And those winds sure blow cold, way out there.
Textes des accords TYSON IAN Four Strong Winds. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions