Tune down 1/2 step...
(intro Em D Em D)
Take my hand.....
the rest of the song involves Em and C chords repeated over and over...
Take my hand
You know I'll be there
If you can I'll cross
The sky for your love
For I have promised for
To be with you tonight
And for the time that will come
Take my hand
You know I'll be there
If you can I'll cross
The sky for your love
And I understand
These winds and tides
This change of times
Won't drag you away
Hold on, hold on tightly
Hold on and don't let go
Of my love
The storms will pass
It won't be long now
The storms will pass
But my love lasts forever
And take my hand
You know I'll be there
If you can, I'll cross the sky
For your love
Give you what I hold dear
Hold on, hold on tightly
Rise up, rise up with wings
Like eagles you'll run, you'll run
You'll run and not grow weary
Take my hand, take my hand
Hold on, hold on tightly
Hold on, hold on tightly
This love lasts forever
This love lasts forever
Take my hand
Take my hand...
Textes des accords U 2 Drowning Man. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions