Main Riff
D D D AD D D AA D D E A E (these are faster and have only 2 notes in the chord)
I went home with a waitress
D A A D D E A EThe way I always do
How was I to know?
D A A D D E A EShe was with the Russians too
Main Riff
I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns, and money
And get me out of this
IUm the innocent bystander
D E A E ABut somehow I got stuck
D E A E ABetween a rock and a hard place
(main riff)
And IUm down on my luck
Yes, IUm down on my luck
Yes, IUm down on my luck
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Textes des accords ZEVON WARREN Lawyers Guns And Money. Skitarrate pour jouer votre musique, l'ètude des 'èchelles, des positions pour guitare, la recherche, la gestion, la demande et envoyer accords, paroles et partitions