Capo 2
I ([ch]A[/ch]) love the way you ([ch]Bm[/ch]) wear those ([ch]G[/ch]) worn out ([ch]D[/ch]) blue jeans
([ch]A[/ch]) Walkin' all ([ch]Bm[/ch]) around in the ([ch]G[/ch]) big sunshine ([ch]D[/ch])
([ch]A[/ch]) Baby, let me ([ch]Bm[/ch]) believe ([ch]G[/ch]) that you're ([ch]D[/ch]) perfect
At ([ch]Em[/ch]) least for a little while ([ch]G[/ch])
And ([ch]A[/ch]) you don't have to ([ch]Bm[/ch]) tell me ([ch]G[/ch]) what you're ([ch]D[/ch]) thinkin'
([ch]A[/ch]) You can keep ([ch]Bm[/ch]) all that ([ch]G[/ch]) to yourself ([ch]D[/ch])
([ch]A[/ch]) Baby, we ([ch]Bm[/ch]) got such a ([ch]G[/ch]) good thing ([ch]D[/ch]) goin'
Don't ([ch]Em[/ch]) show me that your someone else ([ch]G[/ch])
CHORUS: 'Cause ([ch]Bm[/ch]) I'm ([ch]G[/ch]-[ch]D[/ch]) actin' as ([ch]A[/ch]) if this ([ch]Bm[/ch]) blue sky's
([ch]G[/ch]) Never gonna ([[ch]D[/ch]) rain down ([ch]A[/ch]) on me
([ch]Bm[/ch]) I'm ([ch]G[/ch]-[ch]D[/ch]) tellin' my-([ch]A[/ch])self this ([ch]Bm[/ch]) true love's
([ch]G[/ch]) Never gonna ([ch]D[/ch]) leave me ([ch]A[/ch]) lonely
([ch]Em[/ch]) Unless there's something I've missed ([ch]G[/ch])
I'm ([ch]A[/ch]) actin' as if ([ch]D[/ch])
([ch]A[/ch]) We don't have to ([ch]Bm[/ch]) have that ([ch]G[/ch]) conversation ([ch]D[/ch])
([ch]A[/ch]) Baby, don't you ([ch]Bm[/ch]) think it's ([ch]G[/ch]) going ([ch]D[/ch]) fine
([ch]A[/ch]) We don't need to ([ch]Bm[/ch]) send out ([ch]G[/ch]) invitations ([ch]D[/ch])
To ([ch]Em[/ch]) tell the world that you're mine ([ch]G[/ch])
As ([ch]Bm[/ch]) if your ([ch]G[/ch]) sweet kiss is never gonna ([ch]D[/ch]) fade away ([ch]A[/ch])
([ch]Bm[/ch]) And the way you ([ch]G[/ch]) look at me will ([ch]D[/ch]) never change ([ch]Bm[/ch]-[ch]Em[/ch]-[ch]A[/ch])
'Cause I ([ch]A[/ch]) love the way you ([ch]Bm[/ch]) wear those ([ch]G[/ch]) worn out ([ch]D[/ch]) blue jeans
([ch]A[/ch]) Walkin' all ([ch]Bm[/ch]) around in the ([ch]G[/ch]) big sunshine ([ch]D[/ch])
'Cause ([ch]Bm[/ch]) I'm ([ch]G[/ch]-[ch]D[/ch]) actin' as ([ch]A[/ch])if this ([ch]Bm[/ch]) blue sky's
([ch]G[/ch]) Never gonna ([ch]D[/ch]) rain down ([ch]A[/ch]) on me
([ch]Bm[/ch]) I'm ([ch]G[/ch]-[ch]D[/ch]) tellin' my-([ch]A[/ch])-self this ([ch]Bm[/ch]) true love's
([ch]G[/ch]) Never gonna ([ch]D[/ch]) leave me ([ch]A[/ch]) lonely
([ch]Em[/ch]) Unless there's something I've missed ([ch]G[/ch])
([ch]Em[/ch]) Unless there's something I've missed ([ch]G[/ch])
I'm ([ch]A[/ch]) actin' as if ([ch]D[/ch])